On 20 Apr 1998, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> >>"Dale" == Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Dale> No, because as a guideline it is correct. This has been my point
> Dale> all along. Policy is a guideline, which points to a preferred
> Dale> path of development and proceedures. When those guidelines fail
> Dale> to produce the desired results exception is taken and the "right
> Dale> thing" is done anyway. If policy is not going to allow such
> Dale> exceptions then the concept of Policy is broken.
>       I have already expressed my disagreement with the sentiment
>  that the Policy document is merely a guideline; I see it as a
>  standards document for the Debian distribution. So the policy is more
>  than just the preferred path; it is a set of rules to be followed by
>  packages in the Debian distribution.
>       I agree that there there well may be exceptions to the
>  individual directives in the Policy; in which case I think the
>  exceptions (when known) should be noted in the policy. This has the
>  added side effect of helping clarify the directive itself, and to
>  determine the scope, and it shall help to determine whether an
>  exception to the policy should apply to ones own package.

Every policy item should have both a rule for its exception, as well as a
clear definition of the "severity" that may be assigned to it. This helps
with those trying to decide how the policy item effects their particular
package, and provides suggestions on how to prioritize bugs reported
against that policy item.

>       People have been recently railing at the policy manager for
>  taking unilateral decisions; but any package manager flouting the
>  policy is doing exactly the same. No one is infallible. I would much
>  rather have any exception discussed and added to the Policy manual,
>  rather than undermine the Policy document by condoning violations.
You speak of "flouting" policy with reguard to maintainers who are simply
trying to "do the right thing" in the face of an intractible policy
statement. Why is there advantage in depicting your fellow maintainers as
potentially spoiled and flippant brats?

>       By the way, I do not think I am alone in regarding the Policy
>  as a standards document; a quick (informal) poll on IRC showed a
>  wider accord (for what it counts for).
Folks with time on their hands tend to support measures that control the
group for the betterment of all without reguard to the desirablility of
such controls by those who have it imposed upon them. (sorry for the
tangled sentance)


_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "The Debian Linux User's Guide"  _-_-_-_-_-_-

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      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tallahassee, FL  32308

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