Uh, can we have some exception classes to this?

For instance, xtrs is in contrib because it requires the ROM images from
some very old, long dead computers.  Those images were copyrighted by
Tandy/Radio Shack and/or Microsoft.  Their current legal status may be
difficult to determine, and should they happen to belong to the latter, you
can guess how we'll get laughed at.

I honestly feel my time is better spent working on X than doing a paper
chase after 20-year old ROM images.

If no exceptions can be made, would someone care to chase this down for me
by proxy?

Incidentally, xtrs's own copyright is BSD-ish.  They don't get much more
free than that.

G. Branden Robinson                 | A celibate clergy is an especially good
Purdue University                   | idea, because it tends to suppress any
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  | hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ | -- Carl Sagan

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