Hi Gianfranco and Philip,

On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 05:30:21PM -0000, Gianfranco Costamagna (via 
nm.debian.org) wrote:
> Addendum:
> For nm.debian.org, at 2024-01-22:
> After the closing of the previous application, I asked Philip to do *many* 
> Debian related things.
> It turned out that the application was a little bit premature, Debian is not 
> just
> about having technical skills (and he strongly has them), but
> also about helping newcomers, understanding how the community is built and 
> how to interact each
> other without loosing the objective that has to be to bring an OS to end 
> users.
> For this reason, after sponsoring a ton of packages reviewed by him on 
> mentors.debian.org, and giving
> them DM rights for the packages he maintains, I'm more confident about his 
> ability to become
> a full unsupervised DD.

I'd like to double-check if Philip is still interested to go through the NM
process for uploading DD again at this point, given that he decided to withdraw
his application on Dec 1 and opened another two applications Dec 6, one for DM
and another for DD.

Also, being his AM I got the impression that he had his own well-considered
reasons for refusing to become a DD, so I fail to see how it evolved from
premature to mature in only 5 days.

I'm confident he has all the technical skills to become a DD and I'll be happy
to know that he changed his mind. Yet, I'd appreciate if he could make it clear
to avoid confusion and frustration on the way.


Tiago Vaz

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