On Sat, 6 Dec 2003, Andrea Glorioso wrote:

> [Keeping only debian-multimedia and [EMAIL PROTECTED] on the
> recipients' list, as I suspect it's not that interesting for the other
> original recipients]
> >>>>> "ju" == Junichi Uekawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     >> Do we have a plan how to handle this with future JACK packages
>     >> ?
>     >> 
>     >> I think that it would be better to include the strict
>     >> dependency rules in the packages instead of forcing them by the
>     >> naming scheme of the JACK libraries. Several of the packages
>     >> that rely on JACK only use a subset of its API, and therefore
>     >> work across several releases.  Others don't (e.g. those
>     >> including the transport API), they have to depend on specific
>     >> libjack versions.
>     ju> I've got an impression that by the time we actually get this
>     ju> release in, we are probably going to be looking at 0.90, which
>     ju> should be more stable, and then we'll probably be looking at
>     ju> 1.0, which should be two more ABI changes; which isn't too
>     ju> bad.
> For the record, at:
> http://apt.agnula.org/pool/main/j/jack-audio-connection-kit/
> you can find an unofficial package of Jack 0.90.1.  The sources.list
> lines are:
Most probably we'll stick to Jack 0.90.1 for the DeMuDi 1.1
forthcoming release. All packages that depend on jack will be
rebuilt against the 0.90.1 library.

Best regards,

Free Ekanayaka

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