
thank you for your review!

> I would suggest removing the whole thirdparty/ directory (using
> Files-Excluded in debian/copyright and repacksuffix in debian/watch)
> and packaging each dependency separately. Same goes for the other
> embedded copies in these files, some of them are already packaged,
> others are not. 

I asked upstream about the thirdparty/ directory and here is the response:

SPMediaKeyTap: It is only necessary for MAC. I have removed it.

kdsingleapplicationguard: Will maybe be replaced with
qtsingleapplication in the next release. I think it is better to package
qtsingleapplication for the next tomahawk release.

libportfwd: it's written in tomahawk and maintained there, the external
one might or might not be updated at all. And so I would not pack this
in a extra package, but miniupnp is a external dependency, now.

libqnetwm: It's only used for tomahawk Qt4 and will be obsolete in the
next release because tomahawk changes to Qt5. I would not pack this in a
extra package.

qt-certificate-addon: The source is not available and  the project seems
dead. And so I'm unable to replace it with a external package.

qxt: I would not use a external package, because of the following
statement of the libqtx developers: "Qxt will likely not work with newer
Qt versions due to usage of internal api. We recommend that you pick out
the parts you want instead of using the entire libqxt."

I will continue checking the rest of your points soon.

Kind regards,
Stefan Ahlers

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