Control: owner -1 !
Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Stefan,
>Thank you for your hint. I tried to adjust the debian/rules. I've
>uploaded the package. Could you please review this package again?
sure, here we go:

first: congrats for the packaging skills, it wasn't an easy package, but seems 
that you did
it correctly.

lets review:

1) changelog: urgency=low would be preferred for a new package

2) control:
libqjdns-qt5-2, can't it be called libqjdns2-qt5 maybe?
(I'm not asking to change it, but to investigate, probably lintian will 
complain if the naming is wrong, that means that
it is currently fine)

Package: libqjdns-qt5-2

Depends: libjdns2, ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}

I did an ldd of the qt5 library, and I see it depende from libjdns2 already.
So I guess you can remove the "libjdns2" dependency because it should be taken 
care of in shlibs:Depends(please check the built package, inside DEBIAN/control 

3) debian/rules: it looks really nice, maybe I would override the clean target 
to remove the build directories.
4) debian/copyright: I would avoid licensing the debian packaging under GPL-3+ 
and upstream as MIT.
this makes impossible to e.g. forward patches upstream (withour relicensing 

if possible I would ask you to use MIT, the same as upstream (that way 
everybody might be able to forward patches from you
without asking to relicense them)

5) you ship usr/bin/jdns as part of libqjdns-qt4 package, but ldd shows that 
links qt5 stuff.
ldd jdns  |grep Qt5 -i => not found => not found => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/sse2/ (0xf7230000)

so please choose: move in the qt5 package, move in the base package (maybe 
dropping the qt stuff), or fix it somewhat else.

this "problem" makes the qt4 package drag all the qt5 dependencies.

the other stuff looks good to me.

(I did a test build on a clean machine with some of the above fixes)

oh and please convert your package to multiarch (needs investigation and a 
probable trivial change)
(be careful about usr/bin)

X: libqjdns-qt5-2: application-in-library-section libs usr/bin/jdns
W: libqjdns-qt5-2: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/jdns (help2man is a good 
starting point)

check-all-the-things output:

$ codespell --quiet-level=3
./CMakeLists.txt:91: prefered  ==> preferred

(maybe report it upstream, no need to patch of course)



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