Control: merge -1 799767
Control: owner -1 !

Hi Ghislain,

the packaging looks good, however I have some nitpicks/issues:

rules file:


is this really needed? AFAIK it should be the default inside a dh build.
(please check)


same here

(this will simplify a lot the packaging)
"cd $(BUILDDIR) && $(MAKE) apidoc"

make -C is your friend :)

something like $(MAKE) -C obj-* apidoc should work

now a real issue: please move that to a build-indep target, and add
the required build-dependencies to build-depends-indep target
(you might want to look at lucene++, a similar package I maintain)

to check if it is done correctly you can run dpkg-buildpackage -A
and dpkg-buildpackage -B
(this will allow you to do source-only uploads)

move doc stuff to build-depends-indep
Vcs-Git has a space at the end
(not an issue but vim shows it in red colour)

changelog: much stuff is not mentioned:
- a new patch
- a patch dropped

- change of the documentation package installation directory
- drop of a ${shlibs:Depends} (why?)

last personal note:

well I would like to avoid using the embedded jquery, read e.g.

using the system jquery instead of the doxygen patched one might result in a 
broken documentation.

(the link I gave you should have references to Debian bugs and other 



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