Hi Tobias,

thanks for taking your time for this.

On 19.09.2014 23:51, Tobias Frost wrote:
> Control: -1 moreoinfo
> Hi Markus,
> so, let's start with -music

First of all I'd like to suggest that you start with the ufoai source
package first because it contains the ufoai_copyright.py script and
other information that are useful to understand the packaging of
UFO:AI's data packages.

> -> d/copyright contains *many* files not in this package.
> Please clean up the file. (Also, please use wildcards;
> this makes it far easier to review)

The debian/copyright file is identical for ufoai-data, ufoai-music and
ufoai-maps. I did this on purpose because upstream does not distinguish
between those files. In fact they maintain everything in one Git
repository and the LICENSE file contains all copyright information for
the game data. Thus I decided to use a script to parse all license
information and then I generated a machine-readable debian/copyright
file out of them.

This makes it far easier to review the packages IMO because you only
have to check and run the script on LICENSES. It also comes with the
advantage that all files are machine-readable now. Thus wildcards,
except for the Files: * paragraph, aren't necessary and the whole
copyright information are more precise.

> Seems that a "base/" prefix slipped in the -music part of d/copyright?

Nope, I think the base prefix is correct in d/copyright but the music
and sounds directory should have been placed under the base directory in
src:ufoai-music. At least that would have been more consistent. I can
change that.

> Nitpick*: It looks like you are autogenerating the copyright file from
> LICENSES. In this case, it would probably make sense (even if the
> copyright-format-1.0 permits it to combine) to be more accurate and not
> combine so many authors in one big block. 

Please see above. The script transforms upstream's LICENSES file into a
machine-readable copyright format 1.0 file. I think the benefits are
obvious and having the same information about authors listed as in
LICENSES seems like a good thing to me.

> "License: GPL-2
>  On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
>  version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".
> "
> This is not enough -- you need to add the first 3 paragraphs of the
> license -- see the dep5' examples section.


"Packages distributed under the Apache license (version 2.0), the
Artistic license, the GNU GPL (versions 1, 2, or 3), the GNU LGPL
(versions 2, 2.1, or 3), and the GNU FDL (versions 1.2 or 1.3) should
*refer* to the corresponding files under
/usr/share/common-licenses,[119] *rather than quoting them* in the
copyright file. "

I believe we shouldn't make the process of creating debian/copyright
even more painful and I think that a reference to
/usr/share/common-licenses is more than enough for the most widely used
free software license.

> -> d/README.Source is refering to src:ufoai -- but this has no
> README.Source, but should (actually a point of uifoai)
> I think you need to tell in this file how to get the music files,
> and you'll need to move the get-orig-source target from ufoai's
> d/control here... (I prefer to have self-containing src packages,
> which does not say "look in yyy to do get the source for xxx ..."

All information how to get the original sources are documented in
src:ufoai + the package provides convenient get-orig-source targets.

The reasons therefor are:

- It saves us from duplicating the same information
- It is easier to work with src:ufoai because we have all information
  in one place
- src:ufoai is small (only 9 MB) thus it saves bandwidth and time for
  those who want to recreate the original source tarballs.

> -> d/watch does not produce the source file but a file that does not
> even have the -music files. This might be unexpected behavior, so this
> needs to be documented in README.Source and in the watchfile.

d/watch just checks for new releases. It is far more convenient to work
with the upstream Git repository hence I have created get-orig-source
targets in src:ufoai.



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