Control: -1 moreoinfo

Hi Markus,
so, let's start with -music

-> d/copyright contains *many* files not in this package.
Please clean up the file. (Also, please use wildcards;
this makes it far easier to review)
Seems that a "base/" prefix slipped in the -music part of d/copyright?

Nitpick*: It looks like you are autogenerating the copyright file from
LICENSES. In this case, it would probably make sense (even if the
copyright-format-1.0 permits it to combine) to be more accurate and not
combine so many authors in one big block. 

"License: GPL-2
 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License
 version 2 can be found in "/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2".
This is not enough -- you need to add the first 3 paragraphs of the
license -- see the dep5' examples section.

-> d/README.Source is refering to src:ufoai -- but this has no
README.Source, but should (actually a point of uifoai)
I think you need to tell in this file how to get the music files,
and you'll need to move the get-orig-source target from ufoai's
d/control here... (I prefer to have self-containing src packages,
which does not say "look in yyy to do get the source for xxx ..."
-> d/watch does not produce the source file but a file that does not
even have the -music files. This might be unexpected behavior, so this
needs to be documented in README.Source and in the watchfile.

Otherwise, the package looks ok, but due to the current wall time I will
continue tomorrow to see if my (tired) eyes have missed something.


PS: Please push your changes to the repository, I'll pull them from
there. The package is just to big to download/upload for every
iteration, I guess... (Instead, I also take patches.)

(* nitpicks are not prerequisites for sponsorship; though I'd love to
see them fixed for bonus-points)

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