Dear Bob,

you can find many recent copyright files in the following subversion repository.

Each time a binary package is uploaded, its copyright file is refreshed in this
Subversion repository if the source package was itself stored in a VCS.

For the Machine-readable copyright format (DEP 5), ther is no field to record
upsteam authors, because it is widely accepted that this is not required by the
Policy, that is: the FTP team accepts new packages not doing so, and no bugs
are filed against packages that are not doing so.  But if you wish,
you can either use the Comment field as you did, or use an extra field:

  The syntax of the file is the same as for other Debian control files, as
  specified in the Debian Policy Manual. See its section 5.1 for details. Extra
  fields can be added to any paragraph. No prefixing is necessary or desired, 
  please avoid names similar to standard ones so that mistakes are easier to
  catch. Future versions of the debian/copyright specification will attempt to
  avoid conflicting specifications for widely used extra fields.

Lastly, note that your current copyright file does not have a valid syntax
as spaces are not allowed in short license names.  The tool 'cme' frome
Dominique Dumont's excellent libconfig-model-perl package, will assist you
for further syntax checking.

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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