Thank you for your feedback Jakob. I apologize I can't quote you properly below 
as I found your message only while browsing the web archives.

>Did you mean s/Resolved/Closes/?
Yes. I just wasn't sure if a NMU could use "Closes".

>    * debian/control:
>     - bump standard-version to 3.9.3
>Were any packaging changes needed to do this? Anyway, this not appropriate for 
>any NMU. 
Not really, just a good deal of reading. Ok. 

>    * debian/compat:
>     - bump to 9
>Were any packaging changes needed to do this? Again, not appropriate for an 
Yes, a few things were changed in the packaging because of this change. Ok.

>    * debian/rules:
>     - switch from python-support to dh_python2
>We don't do things like this in an NMU.
This change was recommended during the build process. Ok.

>Other changes you made that are not documented in the changelog:
>- added a trailing comma Uploaders (?!);
>- changed package description;
 Remedy for lintian warning per documentation.
>- changed debian/copyright;
 Remedy for lintian warnings (2) per documentation.
>- removed a patch;
>debian/rules (?!); 
>- prepended -fstack-protector to CFLAGS (shouldn't you use dpkg-buildflags to 
>acquire CFLAGS instead?). 

>Why "[RC]" in the bug title? As far as I can see the only bug this package 
>fixes has severity normal. 
This bug's severity is underrated. The old python-cups package in use across 
Debian versions seems to be crippled with certain printers. Some people can't 
print, or they get an error trying to open printer properties and the error 
precludes them from changing anything. To me this is not a minor bug, and is an 
important one to have fixed immediately, so I added on the "RC". Not being able 
to use your printer due to a software bug is one thing; not being able to use 
your printer because the fix
hasn't been deemed important enough for someone to care about is worse.

I've repackaged and re-uploaded to m.d.n. The package now includes as many 
lintian warnings as come with the version 1.9.48-1 in repos today, but 
hopefully the lack of packaging changes (for better or worse) will help move it 
forward in finding a sponsor.

python-cups (1.9.61-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * New upstream release. (Closes: #656640).
  * Updated patch 01_no_epydoc.patch for new upstream source.

Thank you again for your feedback. I hope I have not come across as rude; I am 
quite grateful you took the time to examine my first (flawed) package 

Best Regards,

// Rob Adams - Senior Software Engineer
// Art & Logic - app developers since 1991
// -

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