Hi Jakub, we should be nearly there... http://mentors.debian.net/package/python-x2go
On Alioth: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/x2go/python-x2go.git;a=summary
* Mike Gabriel <mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de>, 2012-01-28, 04:11: Hi Jakub, Can you take a look again?Lintian now emits:
P: python-x2go source: unneeded-build-dep-on-quiltI: python-x2go source: quilt-patch-missing-description 001_fix-undefined-objects.patch I: python-x2go source: quilt-patch-missing-description 002_setuppy-no-setuptools.patchP: python-x2go-doc: no-upstream-changelog I: python-x2go-doc: possible-documentation-but-no-doc-base-registration
-> is now silent
In override_dh_auto_clean, you call "dh override_dh_auto_clean". This doesn't make sense. (I'm surprised that it doesn't make your clean target fail...)
I would throw out most of the current changelog contents. Initial entry usually consinst only of a single line like "Initial release (closes: #314159)". Changes to the upstream source (i.e. patches) or non-obvious packaging decisions are worth documenting too, but that's it.I (and most other sponsor here) normally require one changelog entry per upload to the archive.-> DONE
I'd exclude x2go.tests module from the binary package.-> TODO, not sure how to do that...Use rm. :)
setup.py have install_requires = ['setuptools', ...], but the package doesn't depend on python-setuptools. So either setup.py or the Depends is wrong (probably the former).-> DONE (by patch 002_...Have you forwarded it upstream?
-> Yes! See new patch header. (I am part of X2Go upstream).
$ pyflakes . | grep ': undefined name' [snip - lots of pyflakes warnings] I believe that the above are mostly (or all) true positives.
-> DONE (by patch 001_...)Have you forwarded it upstream?
-> Yes! See new patch header. (I am part of X2Go upstream).
-- Jakub Wilk
Thanks again!!! Mike
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