Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On 2011-12-13, Benoît Knecht <> wrote:
> > Sebastian H. wrote:
> >> > Why regroup qasmixer and qasconfig into one package? Wouldn't it be
> >> > better having them Recommend each other? It doesn't seem like an
> >> > improvement forcing users to install both tools instead of giving them
> >> > the choice. But maybe I'm missing something.
> >> 
> >> The short answer is, it makes package maintenance much easier and
> >> is less error prone.
> >
> > I see the point of having one source package for all the tools, but you
> > could still make several binary packages from there (as alsa-tools does,
> > though not for every single utility I must admit).
> What's the size of these packages? what's their dependencies?

qasmixer is 1400 kB (give or take), and is around 230 kB. You can see
their dependency with 'apt-cache depends qasmixer qasconfig'.

> A quick look from here looks like they are qtgui apps that uses
> libasound ?

So? It's difficult for me to get your point when you're asking questions
without making any statement. I'd be grateful if you could clarify.


Benoît Knecht

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