On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 11:39:47AM +0100, Mathias Ertl wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:53:44 PM Peter Pentchev wrote:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my new package "php-pecl-http".
> I am not a Debian Developer, so I cannot upload/sponsor, but I would like to 
> vote +1 for that packge :-).

Thanks! :)  And... for the benefit of the readers of -mentors, who may
have not seen my reply in the bug log... apologies again for sitting on
the ITP for so long!

> I've looked over it and found a few things:
> * The get-orig-source target is really strange.
> ** It only works from the debian/ directory

Uh, not really - I've updated the package all the way from 1.6.0 to
1.7.1 using "./debian/rules get-orig-source" from the "php-pecl-http"
directory of my Git checkout.  Are there any problems that you've had
when you've tried to use it from the "real" source directory?

> ** It removes some files without -f that simply aren't there

Ah, right; I'd forgotten about that part - it is stashed in my local Git
repository; I've just committed it, I'll upload a fixed package to
mentors.d.n probably tomorrow.  It was just one file anyway ;)

> ** It appears to repackage the source tar

Yes, the reason is that I wanted the source files in the "correct"
directory and not in a pecl_http-1.7.1 one, so debhelper could do all
its automagic processing without having to change into another
directory.  Admittedly, it removes the XML file that also happens to
contain the package's changelog; I've just realized that I need not
remove it, merely move it into the proper directory; I'll think about
that tomorrow.

> * I couldn't get your debian/watch file to work, this one works:
>       http://pecl.php.net/package/pecl_http \
>         /get/pecl_http-([\d\.]*).tgz  debian

Hmm, that's interesting.  Attached is the output of "uscan --report
--verbose" on my machine with the watchfile from the uploaded package;
can you show me the output on your system?

> * Consider using a machine readable debian/copyright file. Doc is here:
>       http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/
> and an example of a file I recently wrote:
>       http://git.fsinf.at/apt/restauth/blobs/master/python-
> mimeparse-0.1.3/debian/copyright

Errrr...  I've been using machine-readable copyright files for well nigh
two years now on *all* of my Debian packages, including this one; what
makes you think it isn't? :)  (config-edit happens to be on my side here

Thanks for the look over the package and the comments!


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@freebsd.org pe...@packetscale.com
PGP key:        http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
Key fingerprint FDBA FD79 C26F 3C51 C95E  DF9E ED18 B68D 1619 4553
because I didn't think of a good beginning of it.

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Description: Digital signature

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