
On Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:53:44 PM Peter Pentchev wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my new package "php-pecl-http".

I am not a Debian Developer, so I cannot upload/sponsor, but I would like to 
vote +1 for that packge :-).

I've looked over it and found a few things:
* The get-orig-source target is really strange.
** It only works from the debian/ directory
** It removes some files without -f that simply aren't there
** It appears to repackage the source tar
* I couldn't get your debian/watch file to work, this one works:
        http://pecl.php.net/package/pecl_http \
          /get/pecl_http-([\d\.]*).tgz  debian
* Consider using a machine readable debian/copyright file. Doc is here:
and an example of a file I recently wrote:

greetings, Mati

me on twitter: @mathiasertl | soup: http://soup.er.tl
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