On Oct 20, 2011, at 12:26 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:

>Not getting into any war, but it seems 90% of everyone thinks Git is a way
>better than BZR, and that the 10% that remains are BZR extremists. Since
>VCS is all about sharing your sources (unless you don't care about others
>and sees it as only a history/backup of your work), you'd better not be too
>annoying for the vast majority of your VCS users.

One thing I love about Bazaar is the ease with which you can write plugins for
it, since it's Python and has a stable, documented API (an explicitly policy
of upstream guaranteed by tests).  I've written plugins that I use daily and
haven't had to touch in a couple of *years*.

I also think that Bazaar is easy enough to learn for both experienced and
inexperienced developers/dvcs users.  I can't think of a single contributor to
e.g. GNU Mailman or python-mode.el that has told me they won't contribute just
because it's not maintained in git.  I can usually get people started with
bzr, Launchpad, and merge proposals in an email that's not much longer than
this reply. :)


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