Am Tue, 18 Oct 2011 00:44:14 +0200
schrieb Andreas Rütten <>:

Sorry but I didn't explain one point well enough:

> [...]
> - The package builds fine with debuild respectively dpkg-buildpacke
> but not with pbuilder or cowbuilder. That's sound for me that there
> are missing build dependencies but unfortunately I couldn't identify
>   which one until now.
> [...]

If I use pbuilder/cowbuilder the build process don't fail and generate
the .dsc, .deb and .changes files. But the resulting .deb file
contains only the parts which will go into /usr/share/doc
and /usr/share/man. Everything which have to go
to /usr/share/pyshared, /usr/share/python-support and /usr/bin is

Sorry for that.

Kind Regards,

Andreas Rütten
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