mezgani ali wrote:
> Benoît, i've received a message from upstream, telling that the application
> is totally free, without any restriction for modification or redistribution.
> in the fact, i insert message text in the copyright file.
> Please take a look

I've seen that, but they need to make that perfectly clear in the
license header of each file in the tarball. An email sent to you and
reproduced in the debian/copyright file is not enough. It is crucial
that they fix this _upstream_, you can't simply add a note in the debian
packaging about that.

And again, if they want to make sure that the license they're using is
free, they should use one of the well known free software licenses such
as the 3-clause BSD or the Expat license; if that's still too
restrictive for their taste, they could use a public domain license such
as CC0.

And please, if you're discussing these licensing issues with upstream,
don't forget to also remind them about including a copy of the GPL along
with the source; it _is_ a license violation not to do so.


Benoît Knecht

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