On Mon, 4 Oct 2010 23:29:28 +0200 Francesco Poli wrote:

> Now I am short of ideas on how to proceed: I would like to take over
> the maintenance of apt-listbugs (possibly with help from someone else,
> see below) and get direct push access to its public git repository on
> alioth.
> As I said on  http://bugs.debian.org/588636#39  , I requested to join
> the alioth apt-listbugs project, but got no reply from any of the
> project members.

Breaking news!!!   :-)
Thanks to the intervention of Jan Hauke Rahm (of the MIA team), Ryan
got in touch with me (better late than never...) and let me join the
project on alioth.
This means that I now have direct push access to apt-listbugs public
git repository, AFAICT!

> Also, could someone please review the proposed git work-flow and tell
> me if it is OK?

However, I still need confirmation that the git work-flow I am planning
to follow won't mess everything up.
Could someone please review it (see <http://bugs.debian.org/588636#39>)?

> Finally, I would like to find someone else who could co-maintain the
> package with me: I usually manage to deal with bug reports and go ahead
> with developing work by myself, but I sometimes need help on Ruby (I am
> not yet the Ruby expert I would dream to be!) or on packaging
> techniques (I am still learning!).
> Any volunteer?

Since Ryan will no longer be involved in apt-listbugs maintenance, I am
still looking for a co-maintainer.
Thanks in advance to anyone who volunteers for this task.

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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