Hi everybody,
I need help.

I am not a DD, nor a DM; nonetheless, I am one of the two current
co-maintainers of apt-listbugs.
The other one is Ryan Niebur.

My problem is that I've lost contact with him: he seems to be currently
(almost) MIA.
It seems that I am not the only one:

Please read the following bug report that I myself had to open against
our own package, in order to try to get in touch with him again:
Please note the dates of the various messages...  :-(

Ryan seems to have been unable to perform Debian-related work for quite
some time (even though he does not seem to have been completely
Now I am short of ideas on how to proceed: I would like to take over
the maintenance of apt-listbugs (possibly with help from someone else,
see below) and get direct push access to its public git repository on
As I said on  http://bugs.debian.org/588636#39  , I requested to join
the alioth apt-listbugs project, but got no reply from any of the
project members.

Any suggestions on how I should proceed?

Also, could someone please review the proposed git work-flow and tell
me if it is OK?

Finally, I would like to find someone else who could co-maintain the
package with me: I usually manage to deal with bug reports and go ahead
with developing work by myself, but I sometimes need help on Ruby (I am
not yet the Ruby expert I would dream to be!) or on packaging
techniques (I am still learning!).
Any volunteer?

Thanks in advance for your time!

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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