* Tony Houghton <h...@realh.co.uk>, 2010-05-16, 16:06:
                   xsltproc --nonet \
                    --param make.year.ranges 1 \
                    --param make.single.year.ranges 1 \
                    --param man.charmap.use.subset 0 \
                    -o debian/ \
http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl \

What do those --param options do?

make.year.ranges and make.single.year.ranges affect how consequent <year> elements are rendered; when you turn them on, you'll get:
"Copyright © 2039-2042 J. Random Hacker"
istead of "Copyright © 2039, 2040, 2041, 2042 J. Random Hacker"

DocBook XSLs can convert ca. 800 Unicode character into roff sequences. However, for efficiency reasons, only a small subset of these character is used by default. AFAIR this subset doesn't include e.g. the copyright sign, so man.charmap.use.subset=0 is needed to make the conversion sane.

Jakub Wilk

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