
without being in any position to promote this package,
let me express my observations.

fredag den  9 april 2010 klockan 16:36 skrev Yann Lejeune detta:
> Dear mentors,
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "httpry". This is the second
> call for sponsorship (firt was in last august). I've updated the package
> since the previous upload on the mentors website (minor fixes).
> * Package name    : httpry
>   Version         : 0.1.5-2
>   Upstream Author : Jason Bittel
> * URL             : http://dumpsterventures.com/jason/httpry/
> * License         : GPL v2
>   Section         : net

Being packaged in format "3.0 (quilt)", two changes can be made:

  * 'debian/README.source' should be removed

  * The build dependency on Quilt in 'debian/control' should be removed.

Lastly, it is probably better to revert to the initial version '0.1.5-1',
since otherwise the closing of the ITP-bug would be lost. The only text
needed in the changelog would then be

   * Initial release. (Closes: #539665)

together with standard headline and timed footer.

Objections to these observations would also improve my own skills in
the art of packaging!

Best regards,

Mats Erik Andersson, fil. dr

Abbonerar på: debian-mentors, debian-devel-games, debian-perl, debian-ipv6

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