Charlie Smotherman <> writes:

> No sarcasm or disrespect intended, I actually thought I was being
> respectful, and polite waiting for the discussion of lintian (which I
> found very helpful) to be over before I requested sponsoring of
> ampache-themes.

There's no need to wait. The reason I changed the subject line was to
allow discussion of the original thread to continue without confusion.
Topic drift happens, and we need to deal with it rather than allowing it
to impede discussion.

Sadly, you then replied in this changed-topic thread, wanting to discuss
the original topic; you would have done better to reply to a
pre-topic-change message, making it clear what your message was about by
its subject field.

Perceiving messages in a discussion as a serial queue is less useful,
and less natural, than thinking of them as a branching tree.

> My apologies if you were offended.

No offense was taken that I'm aware of.

 \     “Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?” “Uh, I think so, |
  `\         Brain, but we'll never get a monkey to use dental floss.” |
_o__)                                           —_Pinky and The Brain_ |
Ben Finney

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