On Thu, 2009-08-27 at 14:22 +0200, Patrick Matthäi wrote:
> Zak B. Elep schrieb:
> > Hmm, I built that package earlier today and it was fine (both in and out
> > cowbuilder.)  I noticed a new CDBS version up just now and upgraded, and
> > now I get the same result as above, confirming the FTBFS.  What's more,
> > I got the same result with my updating of gtklp to topgit/quilt.
> > Previous versions do not seem to be affected, however.
> > 
> > It appears that the new CDBS broke something.  Tracing, the offending
> > line in /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools-files.mk is:
> > 
> > DEB_ACLOCAL_ARGS ?= $(if $(wildcard $(DEB_SRCDIR)/m4)),-I m4)

the relevant /usr/share/doc/cdbs/changelog.gz entry:

  * Simplify autotools-files.mk and make m4 dir configurable through
    new variable DEB_ACLOCAL_ARGS. Fix copyright of that file. Closes:
    bug#537497, thanks to Robert Millan.

> > I have not removed anything in my debian/rules since the new version, on
> > additions to use patchsys-quilt.mk and tg2quilt.mk

Apparently the solution is declaring DEB_ACLOCAL_ARGS in my
debian/rules, but the way the line was defined above in
autotools-files.mk seems broken. 

> Okay, please report it against CDBS.

I have, waiting for the ticket.

Zak B. Elep -- 1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D
  I like the idea of 256 bits, though: 32 for the (Unicode) character
leaves room for 224 Bucky bits, which ought to be enough for anyone.
                        -- Roland Hutchinson, in alt.folklore.computers

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