On Thu, 2009-08-27 at 08:36 +0800, Zak B. Elep wrote:
> Thanks, all in all, that was a better take on why separate patching
> should be done.  I'll take a look at topgit (and quilt, too) and will
> probably rebuild the package.

OK, I've updated my package, here's 0.8.0-3's changelog:

opendchub (0.8.0-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Use TopGit and Quilt to manage patches
  * Re-add debian/patches, with diffs autogenerated from git branches
  * Add debian/README.source describing the package build

And here's the diffstat:

 NEWS                                     |   20 ++++
 README.Debian                            |   37 +++++++
 README.source                            |   34 ++++++
 changelog                                |  151
 compat                                   |    1 
 config.default                           |   62 ++++++++++++
 control                                  |   41 ++++++++
 copyright                                |   33 ++++++
 docs                                     |    2 
 init                                     |   58 +++++++++++
 manpages                                 |    1 
 motd.default                             |    3 
 opendchub.1                              |   71 ++++++++++++++
 patches/bugs/495063.diff                 |   58 +++++++++++
 patches/fixes/avoid-buffer-overflow.diff |   29 +++++
 patches/series                           |    2 
 postinst                                 |   85 +++++++++++++++++
 postrm                                   |   20 ++++
 rules                                    |   30 ++++++
 watch                                    |    4 
 20 files changed, 742 insertions(+)


Zak B. Elep -- 1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D
  I like the idea of 256 bits, though: 32 for the (Unicode) character
leaves room for 224 Bucky bits, which ought to be enough for anyone.
                        -- Roland Hutchinson, in alt.folklore.computers

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