On Sun Mar 15 23:58, Damien Raude-Morvan wrote:
> On Sunday 15 March 2009 21:09:33 Matthew Johnson wrote:
> > Hi Damien, I'm looking at it now, I've got a couple of points,

Hi, sorry for the delay.

> Sounds reasonable: I've downgraded openjdk-6-jre-headless to a Suggests.
> But now, Lintian complains about "virtual-package-depends-without-real-
> package-depends".
> May I ignore that ?

No, you either have to have <realjvm> | javaX-runtime, or nothing,
policy (real policy) doesn't allow depends on virtual packages. I don't
like depending on JVMs from library packages, so I would go for nothing.

> By the way, I haven't found any java librairies packages compliant with this 
> policy [1].

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's outdated

> > Secondly, the 'other' licences you list are actually BSD licences, you
> > should probably cite them as such and just link to the one in
> > /usr/share/common-licences.
> BSD license included in /usr/share/common-licenses is "3-clause BSD" whereas 
> none of the license listed debian/copyright is this particular one.
> I would prefer to keep "verbatim copy" of those one (may help FTP-Masters too)

Sure, that's fine

> > > This package is build using OpenJDK6 instead of GCJ because OpenJDK6 is
> > > really faster doing test-suite (x10 factor).
> >
> > Is it really faster if you build with openjdk? what about if you build
> > with default-jdk and run with gcj? If it is just the JRE which makes a
> > difference I think you should build with default-jdk and then just
> > document that people should run their apps against it with openjdk.
> build time (compile + test-suite) is really faster with OpenJDK6.
> Compiled bytecode seems identical between GCJ or OpenJDK javac.
> > If it's just the length of time to run the test suite at build time...
> > I'm not sure. It's a significant proportion of the build time already,
> > does the test suite need to be run on every build?
> As Java package are not "autobuilt" by traditionnal Debian buildd network, it 
> will not take CPU time on autobuilder but only on DD workstation.
> I see that as a security guard for invalid upload by others maintainers : you 
> could (must ?) always have a look a global tests results before uploading.

Ok, can I suggest a compromise. Build-depend on default-jdk and then at
build time compile with default-jdk and, if openjdk is installed, use it
to run  the test suite.

Matthew Johnson

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