On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 12:12:56 +0100
David García Garzón <dgar...@iua.upf.edu> wrote:

> - Include non GPLv2-or-later licenses in debian/copyright
> - Add man pages to the extra binaries (needed?)

Anything in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /bin/, /sbin/ or /usr/games needs a
man page. Anything in /usr/share/ can do without but if there is any
chance of a user needing to run something from /usr/share/ then a
manpage is advisable.

> - Could you point me to an example of debian packaging repository? Just to 
> know how that should be organized.

$ sudo apt-get install reprepro
$ man reprepro
$ mkdir conf/
$ vi ./conf/distributions
$ reprepro export
$ reprepro include unstable $changesfile



Neil Williams

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