OoO La nuit  ayant déjà recouvert d'encre ce jour  du jeudi 04 septembre
2008, vers 23:26, David García Garzón <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :

>> Please, file an  ITP for this package. This will be  useful to track any
>> progress, especially if someone has handled the upload or not.

> I filled it before sending the RFS:


>> Moreover,  the .dsc  file is  not  signed.

> Must the key be validated by any debian maintainer at all?

This would be better but this  is not mandatory. However, this should be
your key.

> As they are different source packages i don't know whether I should fill a 
> single ITP bug and RFS request or just one for each.

It  would be  better. For  example, clam  could be  uploaded  soon while
clam-XXX could  have a lot of  problems and its upload  would be delayed
for several months. This would be better to have its own ITP.

>> At first glance, here are the problems with the current package:
>> - debian/changelog has an incorrect distribution

> I think that dhc has an --distribution option that could do the work.

Or you can just edit by hand. ;-)

> We are creating the dsc files from ubuntu and then generating all the 
> packages 
> for debian and ubuntu with pbuilder using that same dsc. The script we are 
> using, at clam/CLAM/scripts/, is very convenient for us to 
> provide non-official debian and ubuntu packages. But maybe not the way to 
> proceed when officializing the procedure. Any suggestions are wellcome in 
> that sense.

Everybody is free to generate packages as they want to. However, keep in
mind that  you need  to write sensible  changelog (the script  will have
some difficulties).  As long as the  script gives good  results, this is
fine to use it.

>> - Vcs-* fields is for Debian packaging, not upstream VCS repository

> Debian packaging is currently maintained at the upstream VCS. That is also 
> very convenient for us at the moment as we are doing fixes to the packaging 
> as we do changes on the install. But we really need advice as this seems also 
> to produce some inconveniences. Being debian maintained in the same 
> repository, are those fields ok? Should we keep a separate repository? Could 
> we just to store the diff of the debian a part and keep most of debian 
> folders in upstream svn?

Both questions  are related. Even  if now, upstream and  Debian packager
are closely  related, this  may not  be the case  in the  future. Debian
packaging  should  only  be  targeted  to  go into  Debian,  not  to  be
downloaded from the website, not to  be included into Ubuntu (even if it
will eventually migrate to Ubuntu when present in Debian).

For  example, in  the packages  that you  propose to  download  from the
website, you could  widen the dependencies by depending  on software not
available  any  more  or  by  suggesting softwares  not  available  into
Debian. Therefore, you need a dedicated branch or repository.

>> - some of the files are licensed under MIT/X11, some are GPLv2 only

> I guess they are included 3rd party files. Any suggestion on how to deal with 
> that?

You just have to mention  the files licensed under different licenses in
debian/copyright. As  long as the  licenses are compatible, there  is no

>> - examples should be packaged with dh_examples

> Do you mean dh_installexamples?


> Well i saw that qt4 package just ships a tarball. Is it that done by 
> dh_installexamples? Well  i'll use  dh_installexamples and see  what i
> get.

Dunno. I  think this is  a bad idea  to install examples as  tar.gz. The
user need  to unpack them somewhere  while he has  explicitely asked for
their installation.

> Thanks for all the suggestions and fixes. We might need advice regarding how 
> to  adapt  our  current  release  process  to  something  more  debian
> friendly.

Start with  a fresh changelog, just  for Debian. Try to  apply the above
suggestions and we will review the packages again.
-+- Bart Simpson on chalkboard in episode 3G02

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