On Thu, 11 Dec 2008 15:33:59 +0000 (UTC)
Andy Hawkins <a...@gently.org.uk> wrote:
> For information, the source is all stored in a subversion repository,
> so if there's a 'better' way of building .debs.

As long as the debian/ directory is not part of the upstream source,
that isn't going to be a problem.
> The package isn't ready to be uploaded to Debian 'proper' as I want to
> release a new version of the software *and* the Debian packages
> together. 

Packages created by the upstream team are generally exceptionally poor
quality. Even if the upstream team is or includes the Debian
maintainer, there is no justification for having a .deb on the upstream
download page - leave it to the packagers. If you want to be the Debian
maintainer via a sponsor, you would release the .tar.gz on the upstream
page, upload the .dsc to mentors.debian.net and your sponsor would then
review it for upload. You could create the first packages as a
pre-release if you think there are errors in the upstream code but as
long as you do *not* put the debian/ directory into the upstream
tarball, you are free to make the upstream release and then concentrate
on the Debian packaging.

> As such, I need to be a bit careful about it getting out
> 'into the wild' as it currently claims it's a release version but
> might not be exactly what goes out as v1.1.

Not really necessary. If you use autotools, use 'make distcheck' and
get that working flawlessly before making the upstream release. Then
concentrate on the packaging as a separate process.

> Any offers? How do I go about getting it to people? The .tar.gz
> containing all the source and the Debian packaging stuff is about
> 120k. The built .deb (built on stable currently, but I can also build
> on testing) is about 100k.

You make the upstream release, you make the .tar.gz available for
download as an upstream release, work your way through the Debian
Developer Reference and New Maintainer Guide, upload the .dsc to
mentors.debian.net and then fix the problems identified by your sponsor
(if any).

Make sure you add content to the RFS template when you ask for a
sponsor formally. Advertise your package, make it appealing, make it
stand out from the cruft that we usually see in RFS submissions (in
particular, do not assume that your package is lintian clean in
unstable, build it in unstable (and in an unstable pbuilder chroot) and
check it with the version of lintian in unstable).


Neil Williams

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