On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 07:06:10 +0900
Charles Plessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Le Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 03:49:01PM +0100, Neil Williams a écrit :
> > 
> > > and that if foobar depends on bazbaz, then with an appropriate apt-get
> > > command, bazbaz can be installed in the same prefix.
> > 
> > For what purpose?
> Installing Debian packages without administrator privileges and without
> messing with other users works.


That is very close to the definitive purpose of using a chroot.
> Where I work, the calculation machines have a standard system installed
> (CentOS...), and the way to update and install software is either to
> request to the (busy) admins to install an (obsolete) CentOS RPM binary
> package, or to download the upstream tarball and compile everything in
> our home directory. Actually, for upgrading a program for which one is
> not the only user this is the only way to go because global update may
> expose the work of the other users to new bugs.
> I admit I never asked for a chroot, but can we use chroots without
> administrator privileges ?

Yes. That is how the Debian developer accounts operate. schroot.

Someone needs to set up the chroot initially, but once created, schroot
can allow usage of the chroot as an ordinary user.



Neil Williams

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