On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:55:44 +0200, Cristian Greco wrote:

> It builds these binary packages:
> pacpl - a multi-purpose audio converter/ripper/tagger script
> Long Description:
>  Perl Audio Converter is a tool for converting multiple audio types from one
>  format to another using various external encoders/decoders.

Looks nice!

> I would be glad if someone reviewed and uploaded this package for me.

Just a few remarks:
* I would not install (i.e. remove in debian/rules)
* debian/copyright:
  - the upstream license should be GPL-3+ (and not GPL-3)
  - "Files: *" should be before "Files: debian/*", if I understand
    the section about "Match order" correctly on
  - any specific reason why you license debian/* under GPL-2+ and not
    GPL-3+ like upstream?

Otherwise the package looks fine after a quick glance over it.


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