Hi Vincent,

Vincent Bernat wrote:
> Some    files     have    a    different     license.    For    example,
> libs/Atmail/spellChecker.php. The license given  as URL is non-free. You
> will  need to  work with  upstream  to sort  this out.  Check all  files
> individually. The license which is in the headers is more important than
> the one in LICENSE file.

Upstream fixes this issue in SVN, so I repackaged Atmail svn revision(48)

> You  introduce a debconf  templates. I  see that  you already  have some
> translations. However,  I don't find  your call for  translations. Until
> lenny  is  released, this  is  better  to  ask for  translations  before
> releasing new debconf templates:
>  http://www.perrier.eu.org/weblog/2008/07/15#anti-l10n-cabal

Lenny is frozen, and atmailopen is not yet in Debian, should I run
podebconf-report-po ?

> You  may  also  want  to  ask  debian-l10n-english@  to  proofread  your
> templates before asking for translation. This will be done at some point
> in the future, so doing it now will ease translators work.

As you suggested, I'm using roundcube and torrentflux templates, and they should
have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english.

> Setting global  aliases is considered harmful, you  should comment alias
> declaration in  your apache.conf. The  user will have to  uncomment this
> directive. This  ensures that nothing bad happens  when someone installs
> atmail. See for example:
>  http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=476162


> conf/Config.php is really  huge. You could split it  in several files if
> some  parts are  more  likely to  be  modified by  the  user than  other
> ones. This way,  if a user will modify  only a small part of  a file, he
> won't have  to read a big  diff. At least  PHP functions at the  end are
> good candidates to be put in another file, IMO.

Done, debian modifications are now in /etc/atmailopen/debian.php

> In the long description, what does  "PHP source code" means. If it means
> that AtMail is open source, you can just remove it.


> Since  AtMail will  write in  /usr/share/atmailopen/users, it  should be
> placed  in /var/lib/atmailopen  instead.  AtMail should  work with  /usr
> being mounted as read-only.


> You  still support  web servers  that are  not part  of  Debian (apache,
> apache-ssl, apache-perl) any more. Some people don't like this. You ship
> a configuration for lighttpd but does not propose to install it. You can
> look at roundcube package for some hints about this.
> Moreover, you modify the configuration of the web servers without asking
> the user first. This is bad.  You should add a debconf question.  If you
> take the one from roundcube, you can save some translations too. :)
> In postrm, you should remove web server configuration files on purge.
> The database  can be  remote (this is  handled by  dbconfig-common). You
> should only suggests mysql-server  and depends on mysql-client (which is
> needed for dbconfig-common operations).



- URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/a/atmailopen
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main
contrib non-free
- dget

Giuseppe Iuculano.

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