Hi Vincent,
Vincent Bernat wrote:
> Hi Giuseppe!
> Some    files     have    a    different     license.    For    example,
> libs/Atmail/spellChecker.php. The license given  as URL is non-free. You
> will  need to  work with  upstream  to sort  this out.  Check all  files
> individually. The license which is in the headers is more important than
> the one in LICENSE file.

Some days ago I contacted upstream to inform about this license issue, he
promise me a new version in the next week!

> You  introduce a debconf  templates. I  see that  you already  have some
> translations. However,  I don't find  your call for  translations. Until
> lenny  is  released, this  is  better  to  ask for  translations  before
> releasing new debconf templates:
>  http://www.perrier.eu.org/weblog/2008/07/15#anti-l10n-cabal

Lenny freeze is going to start the next week.., I think I haven't any chance to
upload atmailopen in time..., right?


> The database  can be  remote (this is  handled by  dbconfig-common). You
> should only suggests mysql-server  and depends on mysql-client (which is
> needed for dbconfig-common operations).

Thanks for your review, I'm waiting new upstream version and I will fix them.

Giuseppe Iuculano.

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