Vincent, and DD's

I've finally placed a new twiki 4.1.2-4 deb at

I have put the session files into /var/lib/twiki/tmp and am using
TWiki's built in settings to auto remove session files after 6 hours.

Could someone please upload it for me so it can go into Lenny?


Vincent Bernat wrote:
> OoO Pendant  le temps de midi du  samedi 16 août 2008,  vers 12:36, Sven
> Dowideit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :
>> frustratingly, I'm not a DD
>> and Worse. I have an emergency update to TWiki for a security issue that
>> needs fixing for Lenny, but I have no DD to help me upload it
>> Anyone here willing to do a  quick package upload of TWiki in the next
>> day?
> Hi Sven!
> I would be happy  to upload your fix but I disagree  with it. As pointed
> by Olivier at the end of the  bug report, /tmp can be flushed at boot or
> by some cronjobs. Therefore, you  cannot ensure that the twiki directory
> still exists when twiki will be running.
> I  cannot  give  an  universal   solution,  but  in  Roundcube,  we  use
> /var/lib/roundcube/temp and  we provide  a cron job  that will  clean it
> every m days where <m> can  be set by the user in /etc/default/roundcube
> (and I just noticed that this is broken... will upload a fix). This way,
> we don't fill  up /var but we don't rely on  anything in /tmp. Moreover,
> we  don't have  to handle  a complex  script in  postinst  to circumvent
> symlinks attacks.
> The problem with webapps is that we don't have a clear policy of what to
> do. You  can just  look at other  packages, like  phpmyadmin, mediawiki,
> etc. Each attempt to establish a webapps policy seems to be aborted.

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