VB>> frustratingly, I'm not a DD
VB>> and Worse. I have an emergency update to TWiki for a security issue that
VB>> needs fixing for Lenny, but I have no DD to help me upload it
VB>> Anyone here willing to do a  quick package upload of TWiki in the next
VB>> day?

VB> Hi Sven!

VB> I would be happy  to upload your fix but I disagree  with it. As pointed
VB> by Olivier at the end of the  bug report, /tmp can be flushed at boot or
VB> by some cronjobs. Therefore, you  cannot ensure that the twiki directory
VB> still exists when twiki will be running.

Before upload please check that twiki postinst script is save previous
twiki session dir (The NEW installation may use any session dirs,
upgrade must use directory of twiki-config)

see my prevoius mail and (for example) my version of patch :)

VB> I  cannot  give  an  universal   solution,  but  in  Roundcube,  we  use
VB> /var/lib/roundcube/temp and  we provide  a cron job  that will  clean it
VB> every m days where <m> can  be set by the user in /etc/default/roundcube
VB> (and I just noticed that this is broken... will upload a fix). This way,
VB> we don't fill  up /var but we don't rely on  anything in /tmp. Moreover,
VB> we  don't have  to handle  a complex  script in  postinst  to circumvent
VB> symlinks attacks.

VB> The problem with webapps is that we don't have a clear policy of what to
VB> do. You  can just  look at other  packages, like  phpmyadmin, mediawiki,
VB> etc. Each attempt to establish a webapps policy seems to be aborted.
... mpd is off

. ''`. Dmitry E. Oboukhov
`. `~’ GPGKey: 1024D / F8E26537 2006-11-21
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