also sprach Stefanos Harhalakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008.07.30.1345 +0200]:
> Include a comparison of vbackup with other software in the package
> description? Somehow I don't find this right. I believe that it is
> a moving target that may imply false things regarding other
> packages at some point in the future if not updated correctly.

Then you ought to update it regularly. This is for users. If you are
a user and want to decide between backupninja and vbackup, then it's
really helpful to have a short statement how they compare.
Once vbackup is a real "competitor" to backupninja, backupninja
should also mention vbackup.

> Nothing related to backup. At first it was named sbackup (simple
> backup) but since that name was already used I changed it to
> vbackup (a letter from my nick). Does this play any role in debian
> packaging?

No, just curious. You could put in the README of package description
that the v is arbitrary. Otherwise people might think this is
a "virtual backup" programme.

> > debian/copyright:
> >   Are you sure you want "either version 2 of the License, or (at
> >   your option) any later version."? I personally don't support GPLv3
> >   and thus limit all my GPL software to v2.
> Well, in fact, that was an error and thank you for mentioning it. vbackup is 
> unter GPLv3 since I really don't want to ever accept any patches that include 
> patented code. Can you provide me with more information regarding the reasons 
> you dislike GPLv3? Perhaps there are things that I should be aware of but I'm 
> not.

It's probably mostly ideological, but I perceive GPLv3 to be
overzealous and trying to solve problems that a software licence
shouldn't be concerned with.

Patches with patented code are a problem even with GPLv2 and most
other licences. The real issue I have with GPLv3 is that it
disallows use of your code in any product that implements DRM.
That's like saying that all DRM is bad, which is overzealous.

But hey, I am not a friend of the GPL as a whole. I agree it's
largely responsible for the growth of Linux and related software,
but it's not Free in the sense that I understand Freedom. It's
viral. :)

Anyway, I am not a lawyer, this is my perception of things which may
well be wrong and probably doesn't square with everyone else's, and
yet, I am not really interested in a discussion about this; I just
use the Artistic Licence 2.0 for (almost) everything I do.

> > W: vbackup: doc-base-unknown-section vbackup:6 admin
> >
> > you should always make sure lintian produces no warnings and/or
> > errors before asking for sponsorship.
> I'm using lintian v1.24.2 and there is no such warning:

Hm, maybe I used an outdated one by accident? Thanks for checking

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
die wahrheit ist selten
auf seiten der wahrscheinlichkeit.
                                                 -- heinrich v. kleist

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