Hello Patrick
First of all, thank you for your revision and suggestions.
I have made some changes and improvements according your 

Please, I would like you take a look at the package, and
if you find something wrong, tell me.

The package can be found on mentors.debian.net:
- URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/lynis
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main 
contrib non-free
- dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/lynis/lynis_1.1.7-1.dsc

El jue, 03-07-2008 a las 10:13 +0200, Patrick Schoenfeld escribió:
> Hi again,
> On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 10:59:02AM +0000, Francisco M. García Claramonte 
> wrote:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1.1.7-1
> > of my package "lynis".
> a general comment: As our freeze is coming up soon I just want to ask
> you if you are sure that introducing a new upstream version is good.
> Please check carefully if something could break with this new upstream
> version as there will not be much time to fix things.

Yes, I think this new lynis version is better and powerful 
than last before.
And the changes I have made are quite simple, so I think
there aren't problems.

> Now to the review itself:
> Mostly good, some not-to-bad issues and some nitpicks.
> - debian/README.Debian: Thats really a nitpick, but you updated it, so its a
>   good thing to update the timestamp at the end of the file, too, IMHO

Well, It is a simple change, so I decided not change the timestamp.

> - debian/changelog:
>     - "Changed menu title. Now is more descriptive" seems to me as it is
>       no good changelog entry. What is this menu title you are referring
>       to? And there is an 'it' missing to make the last sentence
>       actually make sense :-)

Yes, I agree with you, I have fixed it. 

>     - Just personal preference, but I would have written "Added a
>       reference to lynis documentation website in README.Debian",
>       because I think your changelog entry is not so good to understand
>       for a not so technical experienced person and additional the word
>       'link' is a bit awkward, because you can't link urls in textfiles.

Ok, I have changed 'link' to 'reference'. You are right, the word 'link'
in a text file maybe be confusing.

> - debian/copyright:
>     - Important: (C) has no legal meaning, therefore it has to be
>       replaced with ©.

Ok, I have changed it to (c), because, lintian says that the
character ©
is obsolete:

W: lynis: debian-copyright-file-uses-obsolete-national-encoding at line

>     - The "License" part of the copyright file misses a license excerpt,
>       which should usually be added.

Ok, added.

>     - The "License" part of the copyright misses a reference to
>       the license in /u/s/common-licenses. It should have an own
>       reference to this file, just like your packaging has.

Ok, fixed.

> - README: Contains installation information. Not really bad, but some
>   people prefer to remove them from the files they install (e.g. by
>   patching the README file or using some magic). You can decide if you
>   want to do so. I don't think it is a blocker.

Yes, I know. I keep the install text because I suposed that 
maybe it is better maintain the original documental file. Althought,
this text is not usefull in Debian package.

> As reviewing is an iterative process it might be that I might write you
> additional points once you come back to, but for now this is all.

Thank you Patrick for your help.
Best regards,

> Best Regards,
> Patrick

Francisco M. García Claramonte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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