OoO En cette nuit nuageuse du  mardi 17 juin 2008, vers 00:25, Francisco
García <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> disait :

> It builds these binary packages:
> lynis      - security auditing tool for Unix based systems

> Description: security auditing tool for Unix based systems
>  Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix. It scans the system
>  configuration and creates an overview of system information
>  and security issues usable by professional auditors.
>  It can assist in automated audits.

Hi Francisco!

I have uploaded your package.
Et puis, je mets pas de swap, comme ca, le premier qui fait le con, le
noyau l'abat ... (a la corse)
-+- NLS in GFA: le process glouton prend le maquis -+-

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