On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:16:28 +1000 Jack Coulter wrote:

> I've spoken again to matricks, he's stated that in the next release, 
> he'll be changing the license slightly, it will still remain free, but 
> he's going to clarify the last point.

That silly restriction should not be "clarified"!  It should be
entirely dropped and the plain unmodified zlib license should be

> Aside from that, is this package suitable for inclusion? Are there any 
> changes I need to make?

As I said, the main license (zlib license + additional silly
restriction) already meets the DFSG.
However, it meets the DFSG just because the selling restriction may be
easily circumvented; that's why I suggest that the restriction is
dropped entirely from the license text: for the sake of clarity and
simplicity, no useless restrictions should be present in license

As far as the rest of the package is concerned, I didn't see any
detailed info about the licensing status of the files released under
different terms, so I cannot comment any further...

Once more, my disclaimers are: IANAL, TINLA, IANADD, TINASOTODP.

P.S.: please send replies to both debian-mentors and debian-legal, as
appropriate, rather than to me and debian-mentors, or otherwise other
debian-legal participants won't see your replies at all...

 New! Version 0.6 available! What? See for yourself!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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