On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 12:32:41AM +0200, Romain Beauxis wrote:
> Le jeudi 29 mars 2007 18:37, Paul TBBle Hampson a écrit :
>> Hmm. I don't actually blindly apply .diff.gz to new upstream versions. I
>> usually just copy the debian/ directory across from my old one, inspect
>> the .diff.gz for any changes outside the debian/ directory, and consider
>> whether they are still needed, and what form they should take.

> You have to keep in mind that you will not be the only one to work on your 
> package. You cannot assume that you'll maintain them forever, and even if it 
> would be the case, there may have NMUs, or security updates that will need 
> that another maintainer work on your package. 

And as I said before, I have seen the opinion expressed by DDs that
dpatch makes it harder to do exactly that.

And frankly, I can rely on every DD being able to handle the basic
Debian packaging system, I don't think I need to expect every DD to grok
dpatch, quilt or cdbs (Hell, _I_ don't grok cdbs) in order to make a
small change to my package, without good cause.

In short, I'm aiming for the lowest common denominator.

> According to this, everything that makes your package easier to understand 
> and 
> handle for an external maintainer is a good thing, and using patches that 
> explain what they do, one for each different purpose *is* a good packaging 
> practice.

I agree that it's a good packaging practice. I just don't agree that it
needs to be applied to every package.

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, B.Sc, LPI, MCSE
On-hiatus Asian Studies student, ANU
The Boss, Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)

Of course Pacman didn't influence us as kids. If it did,
we'd be running around in darkened rooms, popping pills and
listening to repetitive music.
 -- Kristian Wilson, Nintendo, Inc, 1989

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