Hello Patrick and *, Am 2006-11-17 17:02:28, schrieb Patrick Schönfeld: > Hi there, > > i am a so-far happy long-time-user of debian and now would like to give > something back to the debian project. Now i've seen a while ago that the > package smstools is far from the upstream smstools (and has not been > changed since a year, except a security issue by s.d.o), what is bad, > because upstream has slightly changed and improved smstools (they > perform better and contain less errors - i use them in a production > environment much more successful since a while). Also the upstream > author has changed, with a new branch 3.0 of smstools.
I am in creation of a GUI frontend which does not require GNOME/KDE OH, I use only 'getsms' and 'putsms' since 'smsd' does not do what I want. Now my question. If I use getsms from Sarge, or the backport from Sid, I get over 80% of messages undecoded like: ----8<-------------------------------------------------------------- From: Received: 06-10-08 13:13:41 Subject: Siemans_S40_17 Message format (1) is not supported. Cannote decode. B1060B911262956215F70000FFA0C8309BFD062DC3F2743B8C9A86D9753A681996A7 DBE114E89A2E83CE65341D549E83C869396AF86EB7CB6E3A885E07D9C3A91F283946 83D8E9B2B80C22A6C76894B20CA29FC2E976390522D641E6329A3DA783DA6939A8EE 2683D26334E89E66B341C4F4180DAAB7C3F276D98DA2D641ED32A81D76C7EB655099 0E529741F6721D0FA29741E5B6581E9E97E5 ----8<-------------------------------------------------------------- Does 'getsms" not handel this correctly? I have created a BASH script which do the PDU-decode to get it in readable form... (Was a Hell-Job) Oh, the "B1" at the begginnig tell us, that this was a message send FROM the CellPhone and it is NOT explained in the PDU specification. > Now i asked the maintainer of this package, if he lost time on this > project or something like that. He did not respond. But he seems to be Mee too... > active otherwise and i know he might be busy because of the upcoming > release. But how to go on with this? I would happily package further > versions of smstools if someone let me. I even have packaged a current > version on-top of the original maintainers work. I've uploaded it to > mentors.d.o but i'm unsure if i should RFS because it *has* a > maintainer. Maybe it would be an alternative to add a new package smstools3? I will be happy to test it tomorrow! Thanks, Greetings and nice Day Michelle Konzack Systemadministrator Tamay Dogan Network Debian GNU/Linux Consultant -- Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ ##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##################### Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886 50, rue de Soultz MSM LinuxMichi 0033/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)