Hello Patrick and *,

Am 2006-11-19 20:23:51, schrieb Patrick Schönfeld:
> If smsd doesn't do what you want you may try if the new version does fix
> your problems. But you would need to get away from the "use
> getsms/putsms direct"-approach as newer version incororporate
> getsms/putsms into _one single daemon_. I believe you should test it

Can it sun in a singel call and NOT as daemon?
I mean, Execute->run->Exit?

> anyway, because the new 3.0 version has been improved in a wide variety
> of points. Maybe your PDU problems are solved aswell.

My problem is, that "my" tdsmstools which use "getsms" and "putsms"
can handle multiple users, smsd (in the Sarge version) not.

since EACH $USER has a ~/.tdsmstools/spool/ directory with messages


Can the new "smsd" check for multiple spool directories?

Use instead if crappy <NAME>.XXXXXX files files by UNIXTIME?
This is a realy important feature for me.

For singel-user systems I have incorporated "putsms" with
"ssmtp" and if I send a messages in mutt with


the message will not send via SMTP but "putsms".


Oh I hate writing SMS on my CellPhone since I am not handicaped!  :-)

> I know that you have problem with PDU-encoded smses. I haven't really
> tested yet if it does with 3.0, also i can't find a hint in the version
> histories that it might have been solved. If you want i could talk to
> the author in the forums if you provide me with informations, as you
> told in your bts report that you do have problems to access it. I don't
> and it is in my interest to clear up problems with smstools.

OK, if the new smstools package is availlable I will test it,
since I think, it is not worth to continue with the old one.
(Even if my workarrounds are currently working - Uff!)

> Yesterday i reached him and he brought smstools 3.0-1 to unstable.

Ok, I will download it tomorrow.

"smstools" is one of the arround 30 packages in my list, which I
want to see in a PERECT shape and not only seeing laying arround.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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