Rene Engelhard wrote:
> Hi,
> Vedran Fura? wrote:

>>> unstable first, so you basically develop for unstable). That it works
>>> without hr.* for you is nice but it doesn't do here.
>> I use sid with tbird too. Note that even myspell-en doesn't
>> install any symlinks in /usr/share/dict. Did you mean
>> /usr/share/myspell/dicts/ maybe?
> Yes.


>>>> Btw, why you don't like mentors.d.n? I'll try to find some http/ftp server.
>>> Because for example with the upload stuff you are forced to increment the 
>>> version
>>> number needlessly. I forgot the other reasons I had a loong time ago to
>>> not like it; maybe that got fixed, don't remember....
>> But you don't need to upload anything, just download. :-)
> Of course I need to. I need to download it to build and upload it.
> And I didn't mean upload stuff from me but from you. You need to do a
> -2, -3 etc for any minor change (as in the normal archive, too, but this
> is packages not in the archive yet so they should be -1 in most cases)....

Ah, yes, I don't like that too. Unfortunately, mentors is the only place
where I can currently put my packages, sorry. You can find new releases here:

The upstream doesn't provide any version information so there shouldn't be
  any problem if I fake new upstream releases: 1.0-1 -> 1.1-1 -> 1.2-1 .


Vedran Furač

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