On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 01:58:29 +0200, Vedran Fura? wrote:

> >> The upstream doesn't provide any version information so there shouldn't be
> >>   any problem if I fake new upstream releases: 1.0-1 -> 1.1-1 -> 1.2-1 .
> > Can't you use dates then? Like YYYYMMDD-a?
> No problem, but one question, just to be sure. Should it be a native
> debian package...new date for every new revision I made, or a regular
> package...YYYYMMDD-1, YYYYMMDD-2,...?

I'd take the date for the upstream version and add -N for the Debian
revision as usual.
It's possible that you have more than one revision without any
changes to the upstream source code.
> Btw, see http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/dapper/text/myspell-hr
> That is my package too. If I use dates, could there be a problem with
> upgrading from 1.0-2 to YYYYMMDD?

AFAIK not in this direction:

$ dpkg --compare-versions 1.0-2 lt 20060618-1; echo $?


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