Don Armstrong wrote on 03/04/2006 00:15:
> On Sun, 02 Apr 2006, Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
>>Please tell me how I could have voted in the two recent votes.
> Voting is only a small part of the process anyway; you could have
> participated in the process without being able to vote

Don't get me wrong: Sure you can take part in the decision making which
ultimately culminates in the voting, but while voting is only a small
part of the process, it is the most important one. If it wasn't, Debian
could ultimately remove any voting and leave the decision to a single
person (though that person would be required to read the whole
discussion). This is of course (over-)exagerating your argument, but
still, you seem to thing that nobody needs to be a DD to take part in
Debian. If it is like that, why don't you ask for removal of your key
from the keyring and only take part in Debian in the ways you stated
(i.e. only taking part in discussions without any power to vote,
uploading packages only through sponsors etc.)?

Apart from that, a few numbers:
Since May 15th, 2005 up until March 27th 2006, 152 people applied as new
DDs, but only 60 were approved. Since Jan, 2nd 2006, 36 applied but only
15 (9 of them in the first week) were approved. Currently 59 people are
waiting for AM assignment (with at least one waiting longer than 6
months now). There certainly is something wrong with the whole process,
given these numbers.


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