On Mon, 2006-04-03 at 05:21 +0200, Sven Mueller wrote:
> Apart from that, a few numbers:
> Since May 15th, 2005 up until March 27th 2006, 152 people applied as new
> DDs, but only 60 were approved. Since Jan, 2nd 2006, 36 applied but only
> 15 (9 of them in the first week) were approved. Currently 59 people are
> waiting for AM assignment (with at least one waiting longer than 6
> months now). There certainly is something wrong with the whole process,
> given these numbers.

Okay, I'll bite: Any company that hires 50% of its applicants is growing
damned fast. Certainly faster than is sustainable.

Debian has an advantage because we don't pay people, but we do have
other costs associated with membership: Account management, bandwidth
and CPU resources, time for socialization and education. If 50% of the
people applying for NM are getting through, and that's the only
information we have, that's a really good ratio IMO. Do you really
expect 100% of the people applying for NM to be prepared to be DDs?

If you want to convince anyone otherwise, you'll need to give
specifically examples of someone who should be in: Someone who has made
consistent positive commitments of time and developer effort, but is
still waiting at an early stage like AM, or has been blocked by the DAM
for an unreasonably long time. (And note that a couple months is not an
unreasonably long time.)

Note that I'm not defending the current process. I'm just saying, "look,
only 50% of applicants get in!" is not a valid criticism of it either.
Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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