On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 06:55:02PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> David Everly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Now regarding the hyphen-used-as-minus-sign issue, it seems that in some
> > cases pod2man should generate "\-", but instead produces only "-".  All
> > I know to do is to fix it after the man pages are generated.  Kind of a
> > non-answer, I know, but I don't know how else to address this one.
> > Hopefully, someone will have a better answer.
> Well, I'm the upstream maintainer of pod2man, so if you can give me
> specifics, I can try to get this fixed.  Note that there's a much newer
> version of pod2man that's awaiting Pod::Simple to be completely ready for
> it to be released, and a variety of changes are waiting on that process.

Ok, all of this is from Debian/Sarge, so if there is a new version, I
haven't tried it.

Here are the lines that lintian didn't like:

$conn->startSearch(-ccl => 'au=kernighan and su=unix');
$conn->startSearch(-prefix => '@and @attr 1=1 kernighan @attr 1=21 unix');
$conn->startScan(-prefix => '@attr 1=5 programming');
rs = $conn->search(-prefix => '@or rock @attr 1=21 mineral');
$rs = $conn->search(-ccl2rpn => 'rock or su=mineral');
$rs = $conn->search(-ccl => 'rock or su=mineral');
my $handle = IO::File->new( 'gunzip -c file.marc.gz |' );
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $fh = IO::File->new( 'gunzip -c marc.dat.gz |' );

Here is what lintian wants them to be:

$conn->startSearch(\-ccl => 'au=kernighan and su=unix');
$conn->startSearch(\-prefix => '@and @attr 1=1 kernighan @attr 1=21 unix');
$conn->startScan(\-prefix => '@attr 1=5 programming');
rs = $conn->search(\-prefix => '@or rock @attr 1=21 mineral');
$rs = $conn->search(\-ccl2rpn => 'rock or su=mineral');
$rs = $conn->search(\-ccl => 'rock or su=mineral');
my $handle = IO::File->new( 'gunzip \-c file.marc.gz |' );
#!/usr/bin/perl \-w
my $fh = IO::File->new( 'gunzip \-c marc.dat.gz |' );

To get an idea of what pod2man gets as input, try looking at:


Specifically Net-Z3950-0.44/Z3950/Connection.pm lines 461, 462, and 571,
which are the sources of the first 3 lines I listed that lintian doesn't


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