Hi Philipp!

On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 12:33:39AM +0100, Philipp Gortan wrote:
> >The proper place for the script (after doing things right) is
> >ghostscript upstream. Take a look at pdf2ps and try to get your program
> >next to that. There's no reason to produce packages for a one liner.
> ok, so we know the opinion of Thomas, what does the rest of you think?

> Should it go into gs-common and the like?

> Or is it package-able on its own?
well.. a 1 line shell-script doesn't require an own package IMO

even i wouldn't come up with the gs-commandline i don't think pdfmerge
should be handled a different way than ps2pdf and the other oneliners.

cu, ms

- Michael Schiansky  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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