On 03/03/04, Matthew Palmer wrote:

> Make that at least two.  And I haven't exactly seen
a huge clamour of people
> rushing to your defence in any coherent fashion.
> It's not a bad concept, 
> You are free to take your bat and ball wherever it
suits you.
>  [...]

Common guys I think you're being harsh w/ the poor
lad. He wrote something that he wants to share and
instead of supporting him, you're trying to nail him
down on the list.

I like and use pdfmerge daily and I would want to see
it in Debian too. I wasn't aware of the one liner. :-(
When I needed it I typed on Google "merge pdf" or "pdf
merge" .. well can't remember exactly and it led me
straight to a deb file which I installed and used. 
(easy, neat and straightforward)

pdfmerge worked very fine!

Earlier I was trying to see in Debian whether there
was anything like it and at that time couldn't find
any. My apt didn't returned successful results. 

As Didier mentionned, I too am in favor of your
earlier response Matthew. Maybe you're right, it would
be good in gs scripts, but as long as Debian have it I
don't mind. But hey don't crush people who are trying
to help out w/ something useful.

Think about it, if everybody in the world contributed
such small scripts for Linux, well bye now we would
have billions of useful codes. :-) 

If he wants supporters, well I'm the 3rd one next to

Sincerely yours,
Ben Young,
Systems Engineer.

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