
> well, it doesn't hurt.. Although a public key not accessible doesn't
> exactly make much sense. ;) And gpg already shows the uid etc so verify
> the signature would work when the key is on a keyserver or somesuch.

I sent it to hkp://subkeys.pgp.net with gnupg.

> Anyway...
> $ dpkg-source -x fig2sxd_0.10-2.dsc
> dpkg-source: error: file fig2sxd_0.10.orig.tar.gz has size 20465 instead
> of expected 20466
> Something happened so that the .dsc contains the wrong value...

That something was time passing by :) To create all the files I wrote a
small script which created a orig.tar.gz and calls dpkg-source -b etc.
Unfortunately I made it recreate the orig.tar.gz for each run, resulting
in different time stamps inside the tar and slightly different
compression. Now I adapted my script to keep an existing orig.tar.gz,
created a new debian revision 2.1, and uploaded to sf.

Kind regards,


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